Maa Dal Excursion

Maa Dal Excursion

The Maa Dal excursion is a unique experience where you get to work alongside fishermen to pull their fishing nets ashore.

Soul Sri Lanka

The Maa Dal excursion is a unique experience where you get to work alongside fishermen to pull their fishing nets ashore.

Soul Sri Lanka

The Maa Dal excursion is a unique experience where you get to work alongside fishermen to pull their fishing nets ashore. This is something that would usually take place in the morning and could take couple of hours based on the days catch and the length of the nets. Most often you would hear rhythmic chants accompanied by tugs and pulls as fisherman would form two rows and pull the nets ashore. The noises intensify as the catch draws closer to the shore. Early in the day large nets are pulled out into the sea by boats and left for few hours to gather the day’s catch.

Of course the fisherman would never say no to enthusiastic guests who are there to lend a helping hand. You could pull the nets echo the fisherman as they chant their sounds and also be rewarded with some fish which you could take back to your guest house or restaurant and ask to be prepared for lunch. This would be a memorable activity as you would get to interact with local fisherman and their families as well as be involved in a style of fishing that has been taking place for many decades in the Sri Lankan coastline.