Festivity Focused Experiences - Making Vesak Lanterns

Festivity Focused Experiences - Making Vesak Lanterns

To visit a local community during the Vesak holidays is bound to be the experience of a lifetime.

Soul Sri Lanka

To visit a local community during the Vesak holidays is bound to be the experience of a lifetime.

Soul Sri Lanka

Vesak, which is a festival of light commemorating the birth of the Lord Buddha is a time of peaceful celebration in Sri Lanka. There are many aspects to this religious festival. Some are more personal, based on self-reflection and charity. Whilst others invest in the art of creating beautiful masterpieces for display. This is an outward display where families come together and make colorful lanterns and pandols. There are many exhibitions and friendly competitions where talented artists create intricate lanterns adorned with fine designs. The pandols depict stories of the life of the Lord Buddha and are sometimes several meters tall.

To visit a local community during the Vesak holidays is bound to be the experience of a lifetime. In addition to all the lights, colors there are many 'dansal' which in essence, are families and communities offering free food to complete strangers. These all you can eat charities are part of the islands Buddhist culture and are a great occasion to enjoy the hospitality of the locals. The vegetarian food is cooked by the hosts with the help of friends and neighbors and usually includes rice and curry.